Page 7 - NLN Aug18
P. 7

The  Lakes College  Receives  Accolades  at
       Murrumba Drama Festival
                 The  Lakes  College  has  finished  the  first  drama
                 festival of the season at Redcliffe Mousetrap
                 Theatre. This year, the College had two teams take
                 part from grades 7-12, Eyes to the Floor, along with
       the senior extension team, Imminence. All students that took
       part did an incredible job.
       The two teams both competed in the youth section and received   Let the Fun Begin!
       the following awards:                                            The Show is coming to town! The yearly Pine Rivers
       1. Imminence received 2nd                                        Show will be held on Friday 3rd - Sunday 5th August,
       2. Eyes to the Floor received 3rd                                Don’t miss out on the Rodeo Spectacular, Motorbike
       3. Imminence received adjudicators choice                        Show  ‘N’ Shine, Scrap the Clown, camel rides,
       4. Opal Francis received Best female actor in the youth division  sideshow alley  and of course,  the Fireworks Extravaganza,
       5. Clara Alekson (Teacher) received best director for the    proudly hosted by Norths Leagues & Services Club.
       youth division                                        Purchase your tickets at the gates, located on Gympie Road and
       6. Premiers Cup is awarded to any play or person in the festival   via Lawnton Aquatic Centre, Lawnton Pocket Road. Adults: $15,
       within any section (junior, open or youth) that provides the   Concessions & Students: $10, Primary School Children are FREE!
       biggest contribution to the festival. This was awarded to Eyes to   Gates open from 9am-9pm on Friday & Saturday and from 9am-
       the Floor for the cast choreography, directing and the Australian   4pm on Sunday at Pine Rivers Showground, Lawnton.
       history it brought to the stage.                      For more information, visit -
       The Lakes College students worked really hard in their preparation
       leading up and during the Drama festival. The College is so very
       proud of the students. For the students to do so well is a great
       honour bestowed upon them.

                                                                           Sunday 2nd September
                                                                 FATHER'S DAY LUNCH

                                                                  All you can eat seafood buet!

                                                                             adults $75, age 14-17 $45
                                                                       age 9-13 $30, age 5-8 $20, under 4 free!

       Omorfia Turns One!
                 One  year is  a  big milestone for  any company,
                 especially  a  start-up,  which  continually  strives
                 for excellence!
                 Krystal would like to express her gratitude to her
       incredible team, “They each play a role in delivering the Omorfia
       success!” She’d also like to thank the community for their support.
       Credit: Photography- GG Photography, Stylist- Zahar Social

                                                               BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL              7 days lunch & dinner
                                                               3203 5744                      Bird O’Passage Parade
                                                                                                  Scarborough QLD
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