Page 20 - PR Mag Aug18
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VIRGO (August 24 - September 23) ARIES (March 21 - April 20)
The solar eclipse on the 11th quietly plants The solar eclipse on the 11th heralds a fertile
a seed in the darkest recesses of your mind, time for creativity and pleasure of all kinds.
one that you very rarely visit. It is now ac- Immerse yourself in your hobbies, spend time
cessible through intuitive means thanks with children, and share good times with
to your ruling planet, Mercury doing some your favourite people. With romantic Venus
undercover investigation while retrograde. in your partnership sector from the 6th, you
It’s a different way of thinking and commu- can be assured of support from an under-
nicating, but if you follow the white rabbit, standing partner. There’s a bit of blip early in
unconscious collection of wisdom is availa- the month, but the frustration of Mars retro-
ble. Dreams, divination, and meditation are grade begins to recede at the end of August
all gateways to this imaginal world. Mercu- and your relationships with your friends and
ry retrograde ends on the 19th August and colleagues begin to return to normal. Don’t
business soon returns to usual. The final step on the accelerator immediately though.
piece of the puzzle falls into place at the The full moon, also at the end of the month,
end of the month – a mini-breakthrough of highlights your need for some alone time to
the mind that eases your worries. Healthy ponder the frustrations of recent weeks and
work habits and personal rituals support let go of any lingering angst.
your success.
LIBRA (September 24 - October 23) TAURUS (April 21 - May 21)
Fresh dreams and hopes for the future will Leo August kicks off with a disruptive situation
inspire you around the solar eclipse on the where you must publicly assert your freedom
11th of August. Not only are you feeling op- and defend your rights as an individual. This is
timistic and enthusiastic about your future, part of a larger story that will conclude in Sep-
there are people around you who want to tember. The solar eclipse at the base of your
help you achieve your goals. While the assis- chart on the 11th clears the decks for rebuild-
tance may not be overly practical, it certainly ing your home (perhaps even literally with a
helps to have an energetic cheer squad en- JULY 24 - AUGUST 23 renovation), family, and psychic foundations.
You want to create a vibrant and expressive
couraging your progress. Your wishes and Fan the sparks of your own brilliance and get ready to launch a brand new environment in which you can thrive in the
requests are likely to be granted as your
ruling planet, Venus, is at home in your sign you after the solar eclipse in your sign on the 11th of August. You’ve been years ahead. Your ruling planet, Venus, is
and attracting good fortune. Just remember strongly placed from the 6th and helps bring
that you’ll probably have to return those working hard on yourself for a couple of years and now it’s time shine a balanced approach to your health and work
favours down the track, so take care not to brightly all the way from the inside out. By late August, you get clarity routines, which has you glowing from within.
take too much advantage. You’ll keep smil- You will enjoy your work more than usual, par-
ing sweetly in public, but privately you may around an ongoing relationship challenge and know what action you need ticularly the social element.
regret over promising. to take to move forward. The full moon around the same time encourages
SCORPIO (Oct 24 - November 22) you to feel your way forward with compassion and faith. Don’t ignore the GEMINI (May 22 - June 21)
The new moon eclipse unleashes a powerful realities of loans, wills, and associated financial commitments. Changes New opportunities to nurture connections
new urge to be recognised in your career in your local area open up with the solar
and public life. Luck is on your side, but to your daily habits will be needed to satisfy your long-term needs for a eclipse. This is a great time to connect with
there will be a few twists and turns before home and security. your siblings, cousins, and neighbours and
you achieve your ambitions. Your private see what you can grow together. Be willing to
shine amongst your peers. Keep in mind that
realise that home and family is back on firm August Skywatch your ruling planet, Mercury, is retrograde
reserves of energy will be replenished by
the end of the month and you can begin to
until the 19th. While this may bring classic
push your agenda forward again. It’ll take
communication mix-ups, lost mail, and mal-
time to gather momentum, but once you
to question and rediscover what you take
footing, your confidence returns. The full functioning machines, the deeper quest is
moon in Pisces helps you recognise that the for granted through over-familiarity. Look
good things in life never went away, you 6TH – VENUS INTO LIBRA – PEACE + HARMONY. closer and deeper at your everyday rituals.
just struggled to see them. Reward yourself See the underlying spiritual or philosophical
for not only surviving Mars retrograde, but 7TH – URANUS RETROGRADE IN TAURUS – PLOT TWIST! framework that supports your health and
thriving with the insights you gathered over 11TH – NEW MOON / SOLAR ECLIPSE IN LEO – CREATIVE EXPRESSION. work routines. Now is a great time to discov-
the past two months. 19TH – MERCURY RETROGRADE ENDS – RECONNECTION COMPLETE. er the wisdom within your habits and make
Foreign destinations and mind-blowing 27TH – MARS RETROGRADE ENDS – REALIGNED ACTION. CANCER (June 22 - July 23)
ideas are sparked by the new moon / solar Your approach to your income and assets
eclipse on the 11th of August. The pull to takes a new path from the solar eclipse on
escape from your everyday roles and re- the 11th, one that encourages greater growth
sponsibilities is strong, but you need to find and a little luxury. Now is a great time to rec-
a way to satisfy your wanderlust and attend ognise your worth and re-negotiate financial
to your mundane duties. Start making plans contracts and agreements. The air is cleared
behind the scenes for where you want to be around a partnership matter when Mars ends
geographically and intellectually. Shoot for his retrograde period at the end of the month.
the stars and you may just hit the moon. The If your relationship with someone special has
full moon in Pisces at the end of the month experienced difficulties in recent weeks, inter-
brings an indication of what is to come. est may return with renewed assertiveness.
While it might not be a clearly worded mes- Try to avoid arguing. Escape relationship vol-
sage, your intuition will understand the sym- atility by chasing your travel dreams around
bols and patterns, and ease in adjustments the full moon. If you’re not able to physically
to your home and family life. get away, armchair travel can be just as re-
warding. Let your imagination roam far and
wide through study and learning.
CAPRICORN (Dec 22 - Jan 20) AQUARIUS (Jan 20 - Feb 19 ) PISCES (Feb 19 - Mar 20)
Long term financial arrangements are being Hot new beginnings are kindled in your Your everyday routine and responsibilities
fanned by the flames of the solar eclipse on partnership sector by the solar eclipse on are reset by the solar eclipse on the 11th and
the 11th August. You may receive advice 11th August. There’s potential to fan those fresh possibilities for work and health open AUGUST
or a referral from a friend or through your flames over time and create a long-lasting up. Think about your health from a holistic
network. Make sure you do your homework smouldering connection. There is potential perspective and how you can achieve a bet- EVENTS
and check all the paperwork. Twice. Mercu- for singles to become coupled, and couples ter balance of activities that nourishes your For more astrology articles
ry is retrograde until 19th August. The end to go their separate ways and for all Aquar- whole being. Your higher mind is active and
of Mars retrograde in your own sign gives ians to change their approach to relation- you are empowered to pursue opportunities and upcoming local events visit
you a boost of energy but don’t unleash too ships in general. Business relationships also to expand your awareness and understand-
much too soon. There’s still a lot of hard work flourish this month and your productivity ing of the world. Satiate your thirst for deep
ahead of you – particularly around your in- – which may have stalled with Mars retro- and meaningful discovery through travel,
come and assets. A little social schmoozing grade – begins to gather momentum after study, and research. The rewards are pro-
on the work front could definitely help your the 27th. The full moon, around the same found. The full moon in your own sign lights
cause. Overall, August is a satisfying and pro- time, reveals the financial results of all your up the direction you are heading and pro-
ductive month, where you do what you do hard work behind the scenes. The frustra- vides practical support for working towards
best: take care of business. tion of recent weeks ebb away, the lessons your hopes and dreams. Your intuition is spot @dreamorpheus
now integrated, and you find yourself re- on and your tribe is on hand to assist.
turn to financial flow.