Page 16 - PR Mag June18
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TAX TIME – What you can Claim                                                                                         PLANTAR FASCIITIS:

       There are millions of salary and wage earners in Australia and   Travelling expenses for work  – you can claim the reasonable   Don’t Leave it Untreated
       most of them who do their own tax returns each year probably   amounts outlined by the tax office without receipts. Partly correct -
       get it wrong.                                          you will still need to substantiate the expenses with a travel diary and
       They are an easy target for the tax office to audit and with artificial   credit card or bank statement proving you spent the money.
       intelligence and data-matching becoming more sophisticated, most   Donations - $2 or more is deductible with receipts. Correct however,
       of the time tax office computers can catch all the mistakes made.   beware because the cost of raffle tickets to your local soccer club etc.   Plantar Fasciitis is a common condition of the foot where pain is felt in the
       Penalties can then be levied for these simple mistakes.  won’t be tax deductible. The donation must be made where no direct   bottom of the foot.  This pain can sometimes extend up the back of the leg into
       With the millions of tax returns lodged, the tax office gets an idea   benefit can be or is likely to be received by you.  the calf muscle.  Often you will wake up in the morning and the first few steps
       of the average amount of deductions being claimed per occupation.   Superannuation contributions – anyone can now claim up-to   of the day are agonizingly painful.  Or, you might experience the pain coming
       If you’re outside of an acceptable range, you’ll get a “please explain   $25K for a super contribution. Correct. If you’re less than 75, from 1   on after you have been exercising or on your feet all day.  In some cases the pain
       letter”. Many tax-payers have already been targeted by the ATO   July 2017 every employed and self-employed person can claim for   may even be worse after sitting all day.
       for the up-coming 2018 tax year and warnings are appearing on   superannuation contributions up-to a maximum of $25K (includes
       Accountant’s  ATO  client  listings who  might  need to  watch  the   any employer superannuation support). If you’re between 65 – 75,   The condition is caused by an inflammation of the tissue that starts at the heel of your
       amount of their deductions.                            you’ll still need to pass the work test. Check first with your planner or   foot and runs through the sole towards the toes.  This is why many people with plantar
       So, what are some of the more common claims and misconceptions   other superannuation qualified adviser to see if this is good for you.  fasciitis get pain in the arch of the foot.
       for the 2018 tax year?                                 There are also plenty of opportunities for businesses from purchasing
       Laundry – you can automatically claim $150.  Incorrect. You  can   equipment, prepaying expenses and deferring income.   Leaving this condition untreated or ignoring the early signs can result in tears to the
       only claim for the cost of buying and cleaning occupation-specific   Tax law is extremely complicated so it’s always best to consult an
       clothing, protective clothing and unique, distinctive uniforms.   Accountant or Tax Agent to ensure you’re not only getting everything   tissue of the foot or worse can lead to knee or hip problems.
       The claim is based on the number of items purchased or washed,   you’re entitled to but that you’re not overclaiming as the penalties
       multiplied  by  a  specified  dollar  amount.  You  don’t  have  to  keep   can be harsh.                              Plantar Fasciitis can successfully be treated with physical therapy.  Exercise and
       receipts, but may have to prove how you calculated the amount                                                          regular massage including cupping when used with other therapies such as
       being claimed (usually with a diary). You also can’t claim for buying                                                  icing, taping, rest and having your shoes checked by a qualified podiatrist
       work clothes if your employer reimburses you and they intend to   Northern Business Consultants – (NBC Mango           has proven to have the best results.
       claim for them.                                        Hill  Pty  Ltd)  are  Big  Local  sponsors  and  are
       Cars – you can automatically claim up-to 5,000 km/year at a fixed   Accountants, Tax and Business Advisers located     If  you  have  symptoms  mentioned  above,  contact  Deborah
                                                              at the upper level of the Mango Hill Market
       rate. Incorrect. Only if you use your car for work related duties and   Place and Aspley. Any advice given in this     Howcroft to discuss a therapeutic treatment for your tired legs
       travel up-to or in-excess of those work km’s. You don’t need receipts,   article is general in nature and cannot be acted   and sore feet. To book an appointment call 0438 264 354.
       but you may be asked by the tax office how you calculated your   upon without specific advice from NBC Mango   Call 07 3862 8777
       claim. It is often a good idea to check your employment agreement   Hill Pty Ltd. Please visit us at:
       to see if using your car is a requirement of your job.

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