Page 22 - PR Mag May18
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Horoscopes THESE MONTHLY HOROSCOPES Ask Psychic Lynda Louise
Hi Anonymous,
In answer to the first part of your question, I hear yes. But it also has to be about you lifting your mood
and also allowing the positive energy in. I am hearing that you tend to block positive things coming to
Are things going to start you subconsciously. There is a sense of not feeling like you truly deserve them,
this is said with the greatest of respect. I am hearing that your energy is
GEMINI (May 22 - June 21) CAPRICORN (Dec 22 - Jan 20) looking up for me in a very low and very flat at the moment and if anything was even likely to
Most of the action this month takes Prepare to get techy as the new moon positive way? come your way, it would almost be missed or dismissed because of you
place behind the scenes. From the and Uranus spark creative new ways of not feeling worthy.
second half of May you’ll be spend- bringing pleasure into your life. Early in- Is the relationship I’m in at So your spirit guides are saying you should be truly open to
ing more time alone, sorting out the dications of the ongoing trend for next opportunities coming your way, which you want to be. You can
spiritual tension between your sys- 8 years will emerge with the new moon. the moment worth the while
tem of belief and your own embod- Expect your hobbies and recreation to lift your spirits by being outdoors, exercising more, thinking more
ied experiences. Don’t worry. No one take on new forms and new technol- and will it withstand through positive thoughts and being aware of what you are thinking about.
will guess what’s going on in your ogy. You may meet friends online or Because the answer is YES, there are positive things coming your
inner world unless you tell them! Di- become involved in something your all that is happening? way! I see an opportunity to start in a job that is a new career path.
alogue, even just between the voices children are interested in. While May’s This to me, looks like something in the customer service field.
in your head, is helpful to bring order pace quickens, it’s lighter and more Regards,
to your thoughts. These ideas will be progressive than the slow grind of April. I see you standing and looking at what looks like the edge of
revolutionised over the next 8 years. taurus Relax a little. Anonymous mountain and asking yourself, ‘Where do I go, what do I do?’ Your
Spirit Guides are asking you to still your mind and connect with
As you are also coming to an end of a period of quite a lot of
CANCER (June 22 - July 23) AQUARIUS (Jan 19 - Feb 18) your heart and ask the question, ‘Where do i need to be next?’
Life is about to accelerate in the best Expect your feet to start itching as Ura- sadness and feeling like one thing after another is not going your way. I feel there are also some minor health issues
nus moves into your sector of home
possible way as Uranus shimmies into and family. The new moon mid-month around weight and eating, once you make a decision to change, that will really boost your positive energy.
the sector of your chart that supports APRIL 21 - MAY 21 gives you early signs of what will unfold Next part about your relationship. When I hear is it worth while…your guides say you are together for a reason to
the achievement of your hopes and over the next 8 years. You may decide to learn from each other and for a reason, as every relationship is worth the journey to some degree for the lessons
dreams. Technology is likely to play make some unconventional decisions
a positive role in your life in building Things are about to get pretty exciting in the cow paddock. around your living situation or redefine we need. They are asking you to ask yourself, ‘Is this relationship nourishing me any longer?’ What I see is that you
supportive social connections and For the next 8 years, Uranus will be in Taurus. During this your concept of family. It all stems from are both out-growing the relationship. You both are bringing each other down and holding each other back. If you
bringing your dreams into reality. Ear- a desire to be free. There’s no hurry. Take don’t deal with the challenges together and as a team, supporting each other, the relationship will not withstand the
ly signs of how this could occur will time, you will shock your friends and loved ones who have your time and systematically record test of time. I am also hearing that deep down you already know the answer to this question. Trust in your hearts decision.
appear with the new moon. Stable come to rely on your stability and predictability. You will all your ideas. Eventually, all the work You are a deep thinker and you have enormous potential which I don’t feel you are even allowing yourself to believe. I
and committed partnerships play an you’ve been quietly doing behind the
important role in riding out the inevi- leave behind who you are now and discover a more authen- scenes will bring form to your unique hear that you are also a bit fearful about what the world can offer you. My dear, the world is your oyster! Believe and you
table bumps along the way. shall receive!
tic truer version of you. The mid-month new moon offers the utopia.
first clues to the kinds of changes that will unfold. Your ca-
LEO (July 24 - August 23) reer also hots up in the second half of the month. PISCES (Feb 18 - Mar 20)
Your career and worldly status is All that is familiar to you is about to get
about to undergo a high-tech make- weird and ultimately wonderful as Ura-
over. Uranus is guaranteed to bring May Skywatch nus moves into Taurus for the next 8
epic changes to your public life so years. The way you think, communicate,
it’s best to loosen your attachment to and interact in your local area is about
your job. Ready or not, change is on to be shaken and stirred. Relationships
the way. The new moon mid-month with your siblings, cousins, neighbours,
gives early indications of what will 3RD – MERCURY OUT OF SHADOW FROM RECENT RETROGRADE and peers will also be parsed for au-
unfold over the next 8 years. Your rep- 12TH – MARS ENTERS SHADOW OF UPCOMING RETROGRADE thenticity. The new moon mid-month is
utation will be enhanced by dutifully 13TH – MERCURY + MOON INTO TAURUS – STAY GROUNDED. the first sign of what’s going to happen
attending to your daily duties and re- 15TH – URANUS INTO TAURUS + NEW MOON – WE’RE NOT IN KANSAS ANYMORE! on a larger scale. Pay attention to other Popup
sponsibilities, while you’re working on 16TH – MARS INTO AQUARIUS – STAND UP FOR YOUR PRINCIPLES. worldly messages and inner hunches in
bigger plans. Daily commitment and 19TH – VENUS INTO CANCER –LOVE IS A HOME-COOKED MEAL. the last week of May.
VIRGO (August 24 - September 23) ARIES (March 21 - April 20)
The new moon offers a sneak peak Uranus leaves your sign and moves Weddings Spoil um
of the horizon-expanding possibili- into Taurus which promises to liberate
ties that will be available to you over you from your conventional approach 30min Relaxation Massage
the next 8 years, as liberating Uranus to your income and assets. The first big plus
blasts open your synapses. Say ‘yes’ hint of the changes that will unfold over 2018 30min Pick Me Up Mini Facial
to all forms of learning and watch the next 8 years will happen at the new $100.00
your world expand. Expect sponta- moon, which also occurs in your money SAVING $10.00
neous international travel, publishing sector. It’s a great time to shake things Dayboro Road, Whiteside, QLD, 4503 Valued until 31 May 2018
opportunities, and spiritual adven- up financially and welcome more free- (07) 3285 5934
tures. With Mercury, also in Taurus till dom into your life. From mid-month,
the end of May, keep your thinking work will ease up a bit and you’ll be able Packages
steady. Around the 13th, you may to put more energy into socialising with Don’t know how to make images proportionate in ai :/
receive some unusual news or have a your friends and group connections. from
moment of genius.
LIBRA (September 24 - October 23) SCORPIO (Oct 24 - November 22) SAGITTARIUS (Nov 23 - Dec 21) MAY EVENTS
Financial partners are in focus this What’s your current relationship status? May is the month to take a fresh look
new moon and due for a shake-up Single or committed, happy or not, it’s at your daily work and wellness rou- Saturday 5th May - Discover Your
that’ll become your new normal for all about to change. The arrival of Ura- tines. Do your habits support your
the next 8 years as Uranus steps into nus in Taurus is about to super-charge health or take a toll? The new moon Venus
the area of your chart responsible for your desire for only the most authentic is the perfect opportunity to make a Saturday 26th May – Moon Magic
debt, loans, and inheritances. This is connections. You’ll try new ways of re- fresh start on your self care. Uranus is for Modern Witches
the stuff of sleepless nights, but loos- lating and they’re likely to be uncon- really going to shake up your duties
ening your hold on the reigns and ventional. The new moon mid-month and obligations over the next 8 years. For more information about Escape Relax Rejuvenate
trying new strategies will alleviate You’ll know if you’re on the right track private consultations and events,
the anxiety you may experience. If offers early hints of what’s likely to un- by the feedback you get from your visit: Shop 11 14-18 Discovery Drive, North Lakes
you just can’t face it now, the cerebral fold over the next 8 years. Home life
pleasures of study or work make for a continues to be very lively, possibly body. If you’re stressed or ill, it’s time
pleasing diversion. with a sprinkle of conflict between fam- to try something new and outside of @dreamorpheus Ph. 3482 2549
ily members. the mainstream.
May 2018 23