Page 21 - PR Mag Sep18
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LIBRA (September 24 - October 23) TAURUS (April 21 - May 21)
Your home life feels heavy early in Septem- Your primary focus shifts from your work +
ber as a karmic balancing takes place both wellness routines to relationships from the
within your psyche and your domestic rela- 9th September. There’s something going on
tionships. Follow your instinct to retreat and in a significant partnership that you haven’t
withdraw for the first half of the month. A noticed before, something simmering under
seed is planted in the darkest corners of your the surface. The deep dive won’t start until
mind around the new moon on the 10th. Let October, but you can test the water now. The
it sink roots and develop quietly before you new moon on the 10th brings good times and
decide whether and where you’d like this a stabilising influence through pleasurable
idea to grow. Secret communications are activity. Having fun shouldn’t be underrat-
a theme of September. It’s not necessarily ed for its ability to relieve stress. Later in the
the whispers of unknown rivals; it may be month, around the 18th, that recurring urge
self-sabotaging voices in your head. You’ll to escape from a restrictive situation arises.
rediscover your own voice from the 22nd This is your last chance to jump on this break-
and the full moon on the 25th is a great time through opportunity. If you have reached that
to initiate conversations with your partner. Virgo critical decision point and decide to go for it,
there’s no going back.
GEMINI (May 22 - June 21)
The Myth of Wedded Bliss September is the month to make a heartfelt AUGUST 24 - SEPTEMBER 23 With communication back to normal and your
SCORPIO (Oct 24 - November 22)
ruling planet, Mercury, covering fresh ground,
wish as the new moon falls in the luckiest
you can resume unfettered exploration of
sector of your chart. Push on with your per-
your inner world. Your physical home will also
sonal agenda, as you are in the final months
be a hive of activity as you attend to domes-
of a lucky year. Ask for help and you will re-
tic matters and family concerns with deft ef-
ceive it.
ficiency. Home and family remains the focus
The need for freedom in your relationships
around the new moon on the 10th. Definitely
continues to pose challenges in your do-
spend some time examining the promising
mestic sphere with some family members
not comfortable with your strong need for
around the house or improving your routine
planet, Mercury, is picking up pace throughout the month. You’ve faced
privacy. Getting some physical space is as September’s recurring theme is communicating about money. Your ruling potential that it holds. Getting some help
is a distinct possibility. The full moon on the
important as reconnecting with your inner some challenges during the recent retrograde cycle so the new moon is a 25th is a time for exuberant celebrations with
psychic world. friends. Catch up with your favourite people
Work and health routines will take your welcome opportunity to realign with your own personal agenda. By the end and reconnect with your cheer squad. The
mind off your home life around the full of the month, Mercury reaches your income sector and stimulates con- good times and conversation will flow free
moon on the 25th. This will be a busy time versations and contracts, wheeling and dealing. Embrace these conver- and easy, refreshing your soul.
so make sure you prioritise self care.
sations as opportunity to drive forward towards your goals and invest in
SAGITTARIUS (Nov 23 - Dec 21) yourself. The full moon on the 25th brings you face-to-face with the issues CANCER (June 22 - July 23)
The new moon heralds the beginning of Responsibilities to your partner will be keen-
new career cycle that builds on the work you that keep you up at night. It’s time to face your fears and worries, espe- ly felt around the 6th, as a commitment
are doing behind the scenes. Be optimistic cially those related to death and money and take action to bring yourself deepens and you recognise the benefits
about the possibilities that you are carefully of an enduring and reliable relationship. It
crafting. What you do now will bring results. some much-needed peace of mind. might not be glamorous, but together you
The time and money sacrifices you’re mak- may just conquer the world. The new moon
While you’re waiting for your career plans September Skywatch most familiar to you. You may be called to
on the 10th signals a fresh start in what is
ing are far from comfortable. You’re working
hard, possibly for less than you are worth.
Whether you choose to bide your time or
participate in a neighbourhood activity, or
reconnect with a sibling or cousin – perhaps
clear the decks, you stick with the decision.
to blossom, have some fun. The full moon to unearth old secrets. Either way, it’s a busy
time for thinking and communicating. Sep-
on the 25th encourages you to balance the tember ends with the culmination of a chap-
hard work with good times. Follow the pull 2ND - MERCURY OUT OF SHADOW – ALL HAS BEEN REVEALED. ter of your career. There’s no hiding from the
of the fun, energetic mood and pursue your 6TH - MERCURY INTO VIRGO – ATTEND TO THE DETAILS. spotlight of the full moon on the 25th. Your
favourite activities and spend time with SATURN STATIONS DIRECT – INCOMING KARMA. achievements will be noticed and, quite like-
loved ones. ly, recognised.
Early in September, your ruling planet, Sat- LEO (July 24 - August 23)
urn, stations direct. Karma will be at work 18TH - MARS SQUARE URANUS – THE WILL TO LIBERATE. There’s a fresh focus on your income through-
– either to bite you on the bum or reward 22ND - MERCURY IN LIBRA – WE NEED TO TALK. out September. How you can extract maxi-
you with a pat on the back. Karma is mere- 25TH - FULL MOON IN ARIES – NEED TO BE INDEPENDENT. mum value from the effort you put in? You’re
ly cause and effect, so the results shouldn’t throwing around a few new ideas and may
be much of a surprise. Accept the celestial be considering leveraging your friends and
feedback graciously. An opportunity to networks. The devil is in the detail though
stretch your wings comes about with the and it’s got to be practical to work. Later in
new moon on the 10th. Aeroplane wings September, around the 18th, the ongoing
may beckon as travel and international op- restlessness around your career direction and
portunities, but you may also soar through your relationship goals is going to peak. This
religion, study, or teaching. The full moon on is your last chance (in the current window) to
the 25th illuminates private matters, family make a break for it. The full moon on the 25th
life, and real estate issues. Aim to be fair and highlights travel and international opportu-
balanced when discussing the situation. You nities that may help you reach your decision.
may need to splash some cash to resolve the Writing down the pros and cons, and getting
issue. clear on your priorities will also help.
AQUARIUS (Jan 20 - Feb 19 PISCES (Feb 19 - Mar 20) ARIES (March 21 - April 20)
Private thoughts come together early in Group affiliations stabilise and alliances The new moon on the 10th asks that you
September as your ruling planet, Saturn, form as serious Saturn moves forward on overhaul your work and health routines. Be
moves forward. You’ll have a clearer under- the 6th. Mutually beneficial business con- discerning about your work/life balance and SEPTEMBER
standing of your life situation and perhaps nections help you share your ground-break- hug your pets more. The small decisions that
even a plan of action – particularly about the ing message with the world. Relationships you make each day matter; they all add up to EVENTS
rapid changes unfolding in your home and take on an international flavour around the create your one big fabulous life. Something For more astrology articles
family life. The new moon on the 10th gen- new moon on the 10th. This could be as has to give in your career unrest about mon-
tly encourages you to attend to matters of simple as exploring unfamiliar cuisine with ey. If it hasn’t already, a resolution will come and upcoming local events visit
death, debt, and worries. Do your future self your special someone or as exotic as col- around the 18th. You might muster the brav-
a favour and check your important paper- laborating with a new partner on the other ery to ask for a pay rise or decide to change
work. It’ll save you money as well as sleep- side of the planet. Money continues to be jobs for better remuneration. With the full
less nights. Talking about uncomfortable unpredictable. It comes in fast but is spent moon in your own sign on the 25th, your own
topics is a continuing theme right through just as quickly. Do your best to reign in ex- wants and needs are not in any doubt. Em-
to the end of September. The full moon on penses and ensure you have a buffer. Hold brace these fiery personal revelations as guid-
the 25th prompts conversations with sib- your nerve and ride out these wild fluctua- ing principles for your next steps forward.
lings and neighbours where you can take a tions. Keep the energy flowing and a clever @dreamorpheus
leading role in keeping the peace. idea will emerge as a solution.
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