Page 12 - PR Mag Aug18
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Australians Say they are Sustainable Shoppers
But Only if the Price is Right
A new study reveals price drives decision making, ahead of design (19%),
sustainability (13%) and convenience (11%), with 57% of Australians saying that
price is the number one factor when shopping for textiles for the home.
When grown conventionally, cotton is a resource heavy crop any cotton choice from IKEA is a better one.
and new research suggests that Australians are aware of the Derya Völlings, IKEA Sustainability Manager Asia Pacific said,
impact of cotton on the environment, with more than half “People are becoming more aware of where the things we
the population saying that they believe conventionally grown eat, wear and use come from and the impact this can have on
cotton has the largest impact on the environment, compared our environment and now we are taking steps to encourage
to other fabrics. However, cotton is still the number one choice Australians to consider the source of their home textiles, raising
of fabric in Australian homes, with 74% of Australians choosing awareness of the positive impact a move to more sustainable
cotton over wool, synthetic blends, bamboo, linen or silk. cotton can have.
Australians are the second largest consumer of textiles in the ”Cotton is one of our most important and loved raw materials.
world, buying on average 27kg of new clothing and textiles It lives in nearly every home, but we were uncomfortable with
each year[1], but despite a desire to make purchases with the fact that growing cotton in the conventional way is often
sustainability in mind, more than half (55%) of Australians don’t harmful to the environment and the people involved. From
consider where the cotton in their home textiles, like towels, farm to fabric, we want to keep reducing the environmental
bed linen, sofa covers and soft furnishings are sourced. impact of growing cotton, while improving the lives of our
Conventional cotton uses large quantities of chemicals and suppliers, while also enabling a more sustainable life at home
water and often leads to significant health risks to farmers, soil for Australians.
erosion and water scarcity. In fact, it takes 20,000 litres of water ”We want all the textiles in our range to be sustainable and are
to produce 1kg of cotton[2] – that is the equivalent to a small always making improvements. IKEA was the first major retailer
backyard swimming pool. to only use cotton from more sustainable sources, reaching
With almost half of Australians purchasing home textiles and this milestone in September 2015. In FY17 IKEA used 145,000
soft furnishings more than twice a year, IKEA wants to start a
conversation about cotton and why it is important to know
where it comes from. “ People are becoming
There are more than 3,500 cotton products in the IKEA range
and every one of them uses only 100% more sustainable cotton, more aware of where the
that is cotton that is either recycled (18%), derived from the things we eat, wear and
Better Cotton Initiative (82%) or other more sustainable sources
such as the E3 program in the US, meaning it is grown using use come from and the
less water, chemical fertilisers and pesticides, while increasing impact this can have on
profit margins for farmers and promoting biodiversity.
New research revealed: our environment ”
• 61% of Aussies consider themselves environmentally
conscious shoppers, yet only 24% always consider
sustainability when purchasing products. metric tonnes of cotton, around 1% of the world’s total supply.
• 64% of Australians understand that more sustainable The work IKEA does makes a big impact to people and planet.
cotton is better for people and the planet, despite this 70% While we have reached our 100% more sustainable cotton
of Australians have not purchased or are not aware that milestone in 2015, we are now looking for ways to improve the
they have purchased organic or more sustainable cotton industry beyond our own business and supply chain.
for their home. However 75% of these people would ”We want to raise awareness about more sustainable cotton and
change their mind if the price was right. take steps to make the global cotton industry better for people
• 79% of Australians think brands should be more transparent and planet. We also want to make more sustainable choices
about where materials used in products come from and accessible to all people and by choosing more sustainable
how they are sourced. cotton Australians can feel good that they are making a better
• Almost half (49%) of Australians purchase soft furnishings choice that improves the lives of cotton farmers, their families
more than twice a year. Of this number, 18% purchase soft and the planet.”
furnishings four or more times a year.
IKEA believes that Australian shoppers shouldn’t have to ____________________________________________________
compromise on price, quality, design, function or sustainability [1] Sustainability consultant, Jane Miliburn,
when making home purchasing decisions. That is why IKEA only Slow Fashion
sells products made from more sustainable cotton, meaning freshwater_problems/thirsty_crops/cotton/