Page 22 - PR Mag Feb18
P. 22
Six Ways
We all want to feel at ease within our homes,
and proud to welcome guests. Your home is
where you show that you love and are loved,
but bar surrounding yourself with hundreds
of photos—a trend now well out of date in
interior decorating—what tactics can you use
to express love? Here are my top six tips to help
your home décor feel more loving:
And I don’t mean love hearts! In decorating, circles and
curves imbue a relaxed and casual feel when compared
to formal straight lines or restful horizontal lines. A
blend is best—include curvaceous shapes and a few
circles, but don’t overdo them or you’ll risk creating
a busy space. Florals, circular geometrics, rounded
leaves, and soft textured rounded cushions will all help
to create a more casual, feminine, soft, and natural feel.
Asymmetrically-balanced spaces have a more informal,
loving aesthetic than symmetrically-balanced
spaces—that is, a space with the same two items
balanced either side of a focal point. For instance, on
either side of your master bed, arrange a grouping of
three to five items oneside, and three to five different
items on the other side, but unite them by using the
same style or colours to create togetherness, unity, and
a feeling of love.
Did you know that the most loving colour on our planet
is green? It’s the colour of growth, forgiveness, giving
(of time and money), love of the earth, humanity,
and animals. The traditional colours of love can have A loving atmosphere
different effects when applied to the home—pink,
while sweet, is used to give little girls more energy, isn’t hard to create.
while red expresses business, action, male energy,
and sex drive. Use green instead to create a loving Clutter doesn’t create
décor and invite the outside in. It makes your space
seem bigger and connected with nature. If you prefer, homeliness, nor do those
use green as your base colour with a myriad of other
playful, rich jewel hues to create a fun, upbeat, warm now out-of-date word
and loving décor, as I’ve done in my own home.
4. FENG SHUI “ cutouts, cutesy photos,
The ancient Chinese art of Feng Shui teaches us to
display pairs of images, never just one, in master or even a scattering of
bedrooms. Photos or art of two people, two matching
sculptures, or two lamps are the general idea.Never pink hearts. Using classic
have anything bulky or heavy-looking above your
bed, or mirrors pointing straight out the door. Pairs décor rules and cues
do create a more formal balance, but in the bedroom,
which is typically symmetrically-balanced anyway, it conveys that classy, warm
will feel ordered and loving.
5. IMAGERY and peaceful ambience
Imagery relevant to your dreams, goals, history, and we all want and deserve.
loves,expresses who and what you are. It also helps to
reinforce your décor style and colour palette. If you are
starting from scratch, begin with your imagery and take
its colours, style and theme into the rest of your décor.
6. ART
Art is the easiest way to unite and express all of the
above concepts in a single “wow factor” focal point that
defines you and helps create a loving atmosphere in a Customised Artwork Specialist Sharron Tancred creates personalised Art, TV
highly visible manner. To warm your space and create Wall Murals, Mosaics and Splashbacks etc. with interior decor tips/services
luxuriousness, add textures like those found in original to fix, enhance or inspire your decor. For amazing before and afters see
art. Art cangive you a sensation of pride in your home or call 07 3491 6400.
every day, truly transforming your house into your home.