Page 8 - PR Mag Dec19
P. 8

PLASTIC POLLUTION                                                                                                      ROAD PROJECTS PLANNED AS VILLAGE POPULATION SWELLS


       Outlines Way Forward to

       Tackle Single-Use Plastics

       The Queenland Government is proposing to ban single-use plastics and wants to
         know what Queenslanders think of the state’s next phase of the war on waste.

       Minister for Environment and Great  “That is why we will introduce legislation  “We want a bright
       Barrier Reef Leeanne Enoch released  to ban these  items, following extensive  future for Queensland,
       Queensland’s Plastic Pollution Reduction  consultation with the disability sector.  and tackling plastic will
       Plan, which sets out the proposed way  “We recognise there are some instances  help ensure we leave this
       forward  for dealing  with  single-use  where banning plastics is not feasible  state a better place for our
       plastics in our state.              – such as people with a disability who   future generations.”
       “There is a growing concern amongst  have not found bamboo, paper or metal  Boomerang Alliance are delivering the
       Queenslanders  about  the  amount  of  alternatives suitable.            successful Plastic Free Places model in
       plastic  being  used  in  everyday  life,”  Ms  “This is why we will undertake extensive  Noosa, Cairns and Townsville with funding
       Enoch said.                         consultation  to ensure these needs  are  from the Queensland Government.
       “Majority of Queenslanders (seven out of  appropriately understood and addressed,  “Our Noosa trial was enormously
       ten) already take steps to reduce their use  and put in place exemptions in this regard.” successful with more than three million
       of single-use plastics, but there is always  Minister  Enoch  said  where  appropriate,  single-use plastic items, such as straws,
       more we can do to tackle pollution.  it is possible to stamp out single-  coffee cups and lids, plastic bags,
       “Both  government  and  the community  use plastics.                     plastic cutlery and takeaway containers
       need to work together and while  “We know it can be done – we’ve seen the  eliminated in the past 18 months,”
       research  shows Queenslanders  are  on  success of the Plastic Free Noosa project,  said Queensland Boomerang Alliance
       board with tackling plastics, we will  which more than 200 businesses have  Manager Toby Hutcheon.
       undertake extensive consultation with the  signed up to, and has helped remove  “The program works by signing up
       community on this issue.            more than three million single-use plastic  cafes, food outlets and events to work
       “This Plan is an Australian first in its  items out of the waste stream.”  with a dedicated program coordinator
       scope and structure, and takes a holistic  Minister Enoch said other actions in the  towards eliminating their single-use
       approach to the complex nature and  Plastic Pollution Reduction Plan include  plastic items and/or switching to bio-
       impacts of plastic throughout its supply  increasing the uptake of recycled plastic  degradable options.
       chain, and identifies actions that can   materials in new products and investing  “The success in Noosa and the cafes
       be taken.                           in plastic recovery and reprocessing.  signing up in Cairns and Townsville, shows
       “One  of  these  actions  is  to  introduce  “We will also identify and develop new  the program works – there is no reason
       legislation  next  year,  subject  to businesses and markets to transform  the whole state can’t go plastic free.”
       consultation through a Regulatory Impact  the way plastic  is recovered, reused  The Plastic Pollution Reduction Plan can
       Statement, to ban the supply of plastic  and recycled—creating new jobs and  be found here:
       products including plastic straws, cutlery,  industries for Queensland,” she said.
       plates and stirrers.
       “And, we will also conduct an analysis to
       possibly extend the ban down the track                        FAST FACTS
       to include coffee cups, plastic cups and   •   About 300 million tonnes of plastic waste is produced every year, almost equivalent to
       heavy-weight shopping bags.”             the weight of the entire human population.
       Minister Enoch said this Plan delivered   •   Half of all plastic produced is designed to be used only once—and then thrown away.
       on the commitment made in the 2017       Less than one-fifth of all plastic is recycled globally.
       election to develop a plastic pollution   •   At least 8 million tonnes of plastics leak into the ocean each year—which is equivalent
       reduction plan for Queensland.           to dumping more than 170 wheelie bins of plastic into the ocean every minute.
       Ms Enoch said other actions the Palaszczuk   •   Around 800  species  worldwide,  including  77 Australian  species, are  impacted  by
       Government was taking included banning   marine debris.
       specific  single-use  plastic  items from   •  •   Over 75% of rubbish that is removed from Australian beaches is made of plastic.
                                                Turtles have a 20% chance of dying if they ingest just one piece of plastic, and over 70%
       Queensland   Government   sponsored      of loggerhead turtles found dead in Queensland waters have ingested plastic.
       events.                               •   Plastic in the marine environment is long-lived—for example, a 30–40 year old plastic
       “All of these single-use plastic items we   bag was found in a Sunshine Coast waterway.
       propose to ban have a preferred and   •   Research has shown that 7 in 10 Queenslanders are taking steps to reduce their
       available  reusable  or 100%  compostable   consumption of single-use plastics when away from home.
       alternative,” Minister Enoch said.
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