Page 6 - PR Mag Feb19
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Feel Good Feb is a community initiative which started in 2015 by founder
Linda Pang, to encourage people to do random acts of kindness for strangers.
There’s been extensive research to show veggie or herb seedling packets into your early February and is a community event
that ‘giving out good’ not only benefits the neighbourhood’s letterboxes or buying where everyone is welcome to come and
receiver but also increases the happiness some book vouchers and leaving them hand make items such as jewellery and
of the person giving it. on car windscreens. Feel Good Feb has paint small canvases to give away during
Doing a Random Act of Kindness (RAK) FGF Kindness Cards which are free to the month of February. These events are
is a concept that a lot of people already download and print out from our website. aimed not only to inspire creativity and
do. Feel Good Feb brings RAK into the These FGF Kindness Cards are attached generosity but as also as a way for social
spotlight and wants to inspire people to gifts such as the seedling packets and connection for human interaction.
to focus on being proactive, because in books etc, with the words, “If this will Anyone is welcome to host a FGF Create
our busy lives, sometimes we need to brighten your day, please take me. Pass on Date within their community. Posters
slow down. this card and do a random act of kindness with ideas and resources for FGF are
A RAK can be something as simple as for someone else.” available to download free from
helping an elderly person carry their Over the last 4 years, Feel Good Feb has
groceries to their car, leaving a favourite held community events such as “Swap On
book on the seat of a train or a bus for the Corso” at Manly Beach in Sydney and We have had companies, nursing homes
someone else to enjoy, or drawing smiley partnered with various companies, Mona and disability services participate in FGF
faces on the pavement with chalk near a Vale Library and Harry Hartog Bookseller throughout the years. For information,
playground to bring smiles to people’s and hosted “Feel Good Feb Create Date” feel free to contact Linda by dropping her
faces. Other ideas include popping some events. FGF Create Date events are held in an email at