Page 26 - PR Mag July19
P. 26

Horoscopes                                                                     THESE MONTHLY HOROSCOPES

                                                                                      ARE FUN AND SURPRISINGLY
                                                                                     ACCURATE, ESPECIALLY IF YOU
                                                                                          READ YOUR RISING SIGN.


                           June 22 - July 23                                              JULY
       Are you successfully steering your life where you want to go?               HIGHLIGHTS
       July’s eclipses make the answer to that question glaringly
       obvious. The solar eclipse signals new life direction and granting              2nd - Mars into Leo
       yourself the authority begin. Unfortunately, your partner doesn’t      3rd - New moon / Solar eclipse 10° Cancer
       have access to the same opportunities. The lunar eclipse poses          8th - Mercury retrograde starts 4° Leo
       the question: How do you honour your own desires and support                     17th - Full moon /
       your partner? Just when you think the tough decisions have                   Lunar eclipse 24° Capricorn
       been made, Mercury turns retrograde leading you back to the                     23rd - Sun into Leo
       same big questions about where you’re heading and who you’re                   28th - Venus into Leo
       taking with you. By the end of July, you’ll feel stronger and more
       confident about the way forward.

       LEO  (July 24 - August 23)  VIRGO  (August 24 - September 23)  LIBRA  (September 24 - October 23)  SCORPIO  (October 24 - November 21)
       The solar eclipse brings added  Friendships and group affiliations get   July’s eclipses are the launching pad  For some lucky Scorpios, July’s
       gravitas to your annual pre-birthday  a rapid reboot at the solar eclipse early   for your ambitious career aspirations.  eclipses bring travel to distant lands
       soul-searching  season.  Schedule  in July. New dreams and hopes for   New pathways for advancement open  and contact with foreigners. Others
       in  time  alone and  prepare for  inner  the future emerge. Coming months   like sliding doors. The lunar eclipse  will extend their minds through study
       discovery. The lunar eclipse calls for  are a great time to join a new group   highlights the private fears you have  and religion. Closer to home, the lunar
       you to shuck off the drudgery; it’s  and nourish your current network   about achieving your career dreams.  eclipse reveals how capable and busy
       wearing you down and making you a  of friends. Genuine  collaboration   Don’t stress about it too much. It’s  you are. Let go of your need to control
       little less fabulous than a Leo deserves.  and participation is called for, messy   worse in your head than it will be in  your local community and you’ll find
       Delegate and outsource where you  and  imperfect  as  it  is.    Mercury   real life. Mercury retrograde will bring  more time and space to let your spirit
       can.  Mercury retrograde begins in  retrograde,  which  begins  in your   initial misunderstandings and mix-ups  soar. The emerging clarity will run
       your sign but soon heads back to  sector of solitude and secrets, will stir   with friends and group involvements.  into some initial obstacles as Mercury
       further investigate those skeletons in  up how you relate to those emerging   The  new  career  opportunities  retrograde starts in your career sector
       the closet. You’ll be feeling impulsive  group opportunities. Perhaps your   and  ambitious pathways  that  are  and picks up where the eclipses left
       but you’re not as clear-headed and  newfound popularity has revealed   emerging may run into a few false  off. Take extra care with work emails
       decisive as usual. It would be prudent  some underlying social anxiety? Dig   starts as retrograde Mercury changes  and meeting arrangements. Travel
       to delay major decisions until the  into your self talk and let yourself be   sign. Think of it as a chance for you test  documents and enrollment forms are
       sunnier skies of Leo season.  loved when you’re vulnerable, not just   the waters without making premature  also likely to be affected.
                                  when you’re capable.       commitments.
       SAGITTARIUS  (Nov 22 - Dec 21)   CAPRICORN  (Dec 22 - Jan 20)  AQUARIUS  (January 20 - Feb 19   PISCES  (February 19 - March 20)
       July’s eclipses could take the happy-  The  huge  changes  happening  July’s  solar  eclipse  calls  in new  ways   July’s solar eclipse indicates fertile
       go-lucky  wind  out of  your sails  as  in  your  life  accelerate  in  eclipse  of  managing  your  health and work   new beginnings for creative projects
       your long-term financial situation  season.  The  solar  eclipse  offers  fresh  conditions. As this larger cycle of   (including pregnancy and children –
       needs attention. The solar eclipse  relationship opportunities and, more  self-care slowly begins, the lunar   so depending on your situation, extra
       reminds you that if you want to chase  broadly, indicates a new approach to  eclipse reveals the obstacles blocking   precautions may be required). The
       the horizon, you’ve got to pay your  relationships in general. To adequately  your way. And it’s not external   lunar eclipse highlights the immediate
       way (or convince a partner to invest  nourish this area of your life, you need  circumstances. You may discover how   need to let go of group expectations.
       in you!) What are you offering and  to let go of the high expectations you  you are being your own worst enemy.   Discover what your essential need is in
       receiving? The lunar eclipse reveals  have of yourself. The lunar eclipse  Make peace with that self-sabotaging   these collective interactions. Mercury
       financial drains and drains on your  shows you the emotional cost of all that  inner critic and no-one can conquer   retrograde encourages  you  to revise
       self-worth. Mercury retrograde adds  over-achieving. Mercury retrograde  your inner flame. Mercury retrograde   and  experiment  with  your  everyday
       to the inquiry in the second half of  creates  some  mental  mischief,  scrambles communication with your   routines and responsibilities. Your
       the month. You may discover that  initially around your debt and shared  significant other and complicates   work and health routines are the
       you’ve over-committed to travel or  resources. It’s a good time to check  one-on-one conversations of all kinds.   initial focus, but as the retrograde
       study plans. Anxiety levels shoot up  (and  renegotiate)  loans,  contracts,  Mercury  then brings confusion and   progresses you will (re)discover that
       as you imagine worst-case scenarios  and other long-term commitments.  indecision to your wellbeing sector.   creativity  and  pleasure  must  also  be
       (particularly  debt-ridden  ones).  Intimate communication and mental  Further research and a second opinion   priorities in your life. All work and no
       Renegotiate terms or delay until you  rapport in your significant partnership  is likely to be helpful for medical   play makes Pisces dull and sad.
       have more information.     is retrograde Mercury’s real mission.   matters.
       ARIES  (March 21 - April 20)  TAURUS  (April 21 - May 21)  GEMINI  (May 22 - June 21)  Want even more
       July’s eclipses emphasise the balance  July’s eclipses nudge you to let  Your financial situation is up for
       (or lack thereof) between your public  go of imposed belief systems and  celestial  realignment.  July’s  solar   astrological goodness?
       and private life. While there is ongoing  relax into a softer, more fluid and  eclipse opens the way for new   Visit
       pressure in your career, ultimately  feminine approach. A new embodied  sources of income to create financial
       the  most satisfying pathway forward  experience of everyday life is being  security and nourish your self esteem.
       is through new levels of intimacy  birthed, but you’re going to have  The lunar eclipse encourages you
       and connection with family, home  to cut ties with the authority and  to paying down debt and appease
       and  ancestors.  Any  displeasure  traditions of the past. You’re searching  contractual  requirements.  Be
       from bureaucratic and corporate  for something practical and soul   cautious about committing yourself
       authorities will be revealed around  nourishing. Your first test of this  too soon though. With your ruling
       the lunar eclipse but is likely to pass  emerging new approach to exploring  planet, Mercury heading retrograde
       quickly. In keeping with the family  the world is to be flexible at home. The  from the 8th, you do not have all the
       theme, Mercury retrograde introduces  beginning of Mercury retrograde will  information you need. Think of July
       alternate ways of communicating with  bring unexpected visitors and sudden  as information gathering and August
       your nearest and dearest. Children will  changes at home. The focus then  as the time to sign on the dotted line.   @dreamorpheus
       be energetic - and cranky if they’re not  shifts to your ability to move fluidly  Not everything you learn will turn out
       running off that energy.  Conversations  around your local area.   to be true but you keep your eyes and
       about your home meander and family                    mind wide open.
       decisions are under review.
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