Page 10 - PR Mag Apr18
P. 10

YOUTH HOMELESSNESS                                                Matters                     DAY                     Property Settlements & Parenting Arrangements;
                                                                                                                                                     Mediation is the New Normal

        The 18th of April is  Youth Homelessness Matters Day
        (YHMD), a national campaign to raise awareness and
        support young people at risk of homelessness or who are
        experiencing homelessness.                                                                                            The traditional nature of Family Law  Another benefit is that mediation is  issues of family violence, child abuse or if
        Started by a group of social advocates who believed that too                                                          matters  are  changing.  The  days  of  two  generally quicker then litigation. Litigation  your matter is urgent you may be able to
        many young people were moving out of home with no where                                                               people battling it out in court are rapidly  can take years to complete whereas a well  apply to court directly.
        to go, the day has since grown into a national celebration of                                                         disappearing and in its place is a form of  conducted mediation could take as short  If you are dealing with parenting or
        young people’s resilience since its inception in 1990.                                                                mediation referred to as Family Dispute  as a couple of days to resolve your issues. property issues and believe you can
        More  than  26, 000  young  Australians  do  not have  a  home.                                                       Resolution. Family Dispute Resolution is                                 resolve them through mediation it is
        In most instances, they do not have a home because they                                                               a “catch all” term to describe the different                             always best to speak to Family Law
        are escaping conflict and violence.  They find it almost                                                              ways people may come to an agreement                                     Solicitor  first.  A  Solicitor  can  advise  you
        impossible to find a home because of the housing affordability                                                        on division of property and parenting                                    of your rights, responsibilities and risks
        crisis in Australia.                                                                                                  arrangements    without    resorting                                     involved and assist you in achieving a
        The vast majority of young people experiencing homelessness                                                           to litigation.                                                           favourable outcome in this situation.
        are hidden from view in refuges, couch surfing situations                                                             There are several benefits to Family                                     The information provided in this article is to be
        and sleeping in cars with their family, but their experience                                                          Dispute Resolution and it can be                                         used as a guide only. A.L.F Lawyers cannot be
        is very real.                                                                                                         significantly cheaper than the process   Mediation can be done in a way it suits   held responsible for any action that the readers
        Youth homelessness is a national disgrace.  To end youth                                                              of going to court. The costs of going to   you.  This means that it can be done in   take based on the information contained in
        homelessness, a national plan is needed.                                                                              trial can build quickly and significantly,   a low-pressure way by a trusted friend   this article. We encourage readers to contact
        Pitifully low Youth Allowance payments, rising rents inflated                                                         including Court costs, Solicitors fees   or if you require a more systematic and   us for professional advice.
        by the housing crisis, insufficient supports for young people                                                         and Barristers fees. Some people will   precise approach, by a Family Dispute
        leaving state care and a lack of employment pathways for                                                              try to avoid these costs by representing   Resolution Practitioner.
        vulnerable youth have all combined to create a perfect                                                                themselves in Court. However, Family Law   It is important to note that mediation is
        storm in which young people are increasingly likely to fall                                                           and the rules of litigation are complex and   not appropriate in all circumstances. While   LA W YER S
        into homelessness.                                                                                                    a misunderstanding or misapplication   the courts do require that mediation is     LA W YER S
                   Education on this matter is vital!                                                                         of this can lead to poor and unfair   attempted in most circumstances, there
        Learn more at -                                                                     outcomes to those who choose to     are exceptions to this rule. If there are      CALL 3088 6161
                                                                                                                              represent themselves.                                                    
        Kangaroo Eggs: Ancient Reproduction

                                                                     in Australia’s Modern Mammals
        Unlike  every  other  continent, Australia’s  Marsupials have many derived traits,   At least in reproduction, Australia’s
        landscape is dominated by marsupials– including the very recognisable pouch   prominent mammals seem closer
        not placental mammals.  They, alongside  (although not all marsupials have one).  to their ancestors than to placental
        monotremes, give Australia a unique  Marsupial eggs develop like those of   mammals.  Despite  taking  different
        composition of warm-blooded fur-covered  oviparous tetrapods but shells reach only   evolutionary paths, they are equally
        quadrupeds.  Their most compelling  a few microns thick and embryos “hatch”   successful in the same ecological
        identifying  characteristics  are  in around the last third of pregnancy, the   roles.
        reproduction,  with  elements  that  can  be  eggshell disintegrating. Pregnancy
        traced far into the past.          is  brief (12-38  days)  probably  as                 Charlottle Liehr
        Of all surviving mammals, monotremes  an adaptation to low productivity
        most closely resemble their reptilian  environments like much of Australia;
        ancestors.  Akin  to  most  reptiles, shorter, smaller investment is less risky
        monotremes  lay  eggs. Unlike reptiles,  for mothers in suboptimal conditions.
        and  characteristically  of  mammals, Epipubic bones also limit gestation;    Their evolutionary
        puggles are fed milk by their mothers.  these pelvic projections, absent
        Mammary glands are suspected to be  in placentals,support muscles            history is betrayed,
        modified sweat glands; they may have first  that enhance movement but         however, because
        changed in mammalian precursors to keep  prohibit the abdominal expansion   marsupials – exactly like
        leathery eggs moist, secondarily evolving  of longer gestation. Consequently,   monotremes and the
        nutritional properties. Monotremes do  joeys are born minimally developed
        not have nipples but retain a mammary  except for their forelimbs, which they   reptiles before them –
        patch, a section of porous skin on their  use to crawl through their mother’s fur   begin life inside eggs.
        bellies that secretes milk to be licked off by  to a nipple immediately after birth. The   Yes. No. I know.
        puggles. After merely ten days in the egg,  joey then effectively fuses to the nipple   Hear me out.
        puggles hatch extremely underdeveloped  for direct feeding during further extensive
        and depend upon their mother’s care  development. A joey relies on its mother for
        for months.                        up to a year.

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