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Charlotte’s nursery had been set up, her jumpsuits and clothes put neatly in Saving
Red Nose Chairman, Craig Heatley, shares his story and why
we can’t wait another 40 years to unlock the reasons why
babies die suddenly and unexpectedly.
*** Warning! Some people may find this story distressing ***
Many people in the Red Nose Supporter Family have been personally impacted
by the death of a child. Every little life lost is precious, and my sincerest
condolences go out to all families impacted by this loss. I too know this pain.
This is my story, which began in 2007 and sadly ended in heartbreak.
Like all new parents, my wife Lara and I excitedly prepared our lives and home
for the arrival of our first child – Charlotte.
her drawers ready to be worn, and her toys placed on the shelves ready to be
endlessly played with.
It had been an uncomplicated pregnancy, and we had no reason for concern
when we arrived at the doctor’s office for a routine checkup at 35 weeks.
But as the doctor conducted the examination, it was clear something wasn’t right.
After a flurry of doctors and midwives went through what felt like an endless
battery of checking and rechecking, we were given the devastating news.
Charlotte’s heart was no longer beating. She was gone. And there was nothing
they could do.
Within an instant, we had gone from excitement and anticipation to heartbreak
and despair.
Lara was induced and gave birth to our beautiful daughter Charlotte – she was
perfect, but born still.
She wasn’t coming home with us.
It goes without saying that losing Charlotte was heartbreaking. But one of the
hardest parts was not knowing why it had happened.
After speaking with many bereaved families over the years, I have realised We can find out
that we all, at one time or another, find ourselves asking the same questions – why this is happening and
questions that have no answers. we’ll succeed. Because Red Nose
Why did my baby die? Was it something I did? Was it something I didn’t do? are the people who reduced SIDS in
Why us? Australia by 85 per cent. Let’s get it to Because
After a few weeks, we had to pack away Charlotte’s nursery. 100%! Donate today or join in on one
We just couldn’t walk past the room full of Charlotte’s things – a room that
was set up with so much hope and joy, was now a constant reminder of what of the many fundraising events, or host
should have been. your own! Host a Little Rockers Red
I will never forget the moment I began to dismantle Charlotte’s cot. Only weeks Nose Disco, for the kids, or sponsor your
ago, I had set it up, and imagined putting her to bed and kissing her goodnight. boss to end a loss. Buy some how many
Now I was in her room, weighed down with the unimaginable grief, and left merchandise from the online store
with empty arms.
Our story continues with the excitement that Lara was pregnant again – with or simply donate!
twins, a boy and a girl. We were so happy, but also very anxious throughout
the pregnancy.
Charlotte was never far from our minds. We couldn’t help but wonder whether
we would lose these babies before they were born, and relive the heartbreak
and pain all over again.
Thankfully, in early 2008 our son Cameron and daughter Addison arrived safe
and well. We were ecstatic, and quickly settled into the joyous commotion that
comes with raising twins.
But tragically, in December 2009, our family was shattered again – we found
Cameron in his cot, unresponsive and not breathing.
He passed away, from what we later learned was a suspected febrile convulsion, Through world-
at just 22 months old.
To say Lara and I were devastated is an understatement. To lose one child is class research, lifesaving
every parent’s worst nightmare. To lose two children in under three years, is education, and vital
beyond nightmarish. bereavement support services, Red
Luckily Red Nose was there to support our family, and helped us move forward Nose passionately believe they can stop
as we raise our daughter Addison, and forever grieve for Charlotte and Cameron. little lives being cut short. Their mission
It’s this journey that led me to want to do more, and so I joined the Red Nose is clear: Reduce nine deaths a day to zero.
Board and subsequently became Chairman in November 2017. Ensure those impacted by the death of a
My purpose, as both a bereaved father and through Red Nose, is to do whatever I
can so no other parents have to go through the heartbreak my family has endured. child have access to free bereavement
And that’s why I’m so eager to ask you to join with us – get involved this Red support and provide safe sleeping
Nose Day and help stop little lives being cut short. Together we can reach zero. and safe pregnancy education
Your donation will be invested in lifesaving research and education programs to every parent and carer in
so we can uncover the answers why babies continue to die suddenly and Australia
expectedly and give parents the tools to keep their babies safe.
Visit to learn more.